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Posts by category
- Category: Aeronautics
- Category: Automotive
- Category: Company
- Category: Component
- CLEARSY’s ETCS simulation tool in use in Germany
- A new CLEARSY system based on its SIL4 safety platform
- CLEARSY provides its latest SIL2-certified DMI to ASELSAN to be in compliance with ETCS Baseline 4
- The formal development tool ATELIER B passes 10,000 downloads!
- CLEARSY, designer of interlocking solutions to the highest safety standards
- CLEARSY’s expertise on RATP line 14 for the 2024 Olympic Games
- Extension of Line 14 of the Paris Metro: over 25 years of reliability thanks to the B formal method
- A CLEARSY soft-cost range of products focus on light rail and tram
- A CLEARSY soft-cost range of products focus on light rail and tram
- CLEARSY Safety platform SK0 is on sale
- CLEARSY vital relay was creating the buzz during Innotrans
- Category: Computer science
- A world first: system safety reasoning is T2 EN50129 SIL4 formally proven
- T2 certification for Atelier B
- CLEARSY and UFRN make cooperation agreement to promote international internships.
- CLEARSY, a player in artificial intelligence
- CLEARSY at FM2024
- Exciting News: Atelier B Community Edition 24.04 Available!
- The White House highlights the use of formal methods in a new report.
- Version 4 of the ETCS specification has just been published
- HACKATHON CLEARSY Safety Platform in IMD/UFRN university, NATAL (BRAZIL)
- The CLEARSY safety protocol on Schneider PLCs
- A certified version of ATELIER B is planned for 2024
- Formal activities through the V cycle
- Two decades of industrial exploitation of the B formal method.
- The new formal tool Atelier B 4.7 is available.
- CLEARSY R&D Actions on Formal Verification: 10 years and counting…
- New version of Atelier B for Mac-OS
- CLEARSY Safety Platform Handbook available
- CLEARSY Saftey Platform 4.5.4 tool available
- Atelier B 4.0 is available!
- The new version of Atelier B is in beta test
- Free Version of Atelier B
- Atelier B 3.7.1
- Atelier B 3.7
- New Version of B4Free
- Brama available in beta 1 version
- Composys, version 1.6
- B4free as a free-fo-all tool
- RODIN: a three year Project
- B4Free
- Formal Data Validation Tutorial at ABZ 2014, Toulouse
- Data Validation & Reverse Engineering
- Category: Defense
- Category: Energy/nuclear
- CLEARSY développe une nouvelle version de banc de qualification des liaisons classées des automates nucléaires Schneider Electric
- new exclusive framework contract with EDF until 2029
- CLEARSY IS QUALIFIED UTO BY EDF, the French multinational electric utility company
- SIL4 certification for CLEARSY RS4 vital latching interface system
- The CLEARSY RS4 safety relay makes its debut in the nuclear power industry
- Category: ERTMS
- Joining and splitting of ERTMS trains on the CLEARSY ERTMS Train Simulator
- CLEARSY reinforces rail safety with an advanced signaling simulator
- CLEARSY supplies DB Cargo Frankfurt with an ERTMS/ETCS operational simulator
- ERTMS 2024 Conference in Valenciennes from the 23th to the 25th of April
- A CLEARSY on-board simulator to transform a train into a real mobile laboratory
- CLEARSY supplies on-board simulator to SNCF for LGV+ Paris-Lyon project
- CLEARSY an innovative player in saving little-used rail lines
- CLEARSY will attend the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2023 in Barcelona
- Why does the Baseline 3.6.0 ETCS standard require a SIL2 DMI (train display)?
- RSSRail 2023 conference, Save the date! October 10-12, 2023, Berlin, Germany
- CLEARSY is partnering with UIC to define safety demonstration methods for innovative systems
- Opsimu, CLEARSY’s new train driving simulator, more ergonomic with its 3D visualisation
- CLEARSY at INNOTRANS (Hall 27 – stand 301) from September 20 to 23, 2022 in BERLIN
- CLEARSY will attend the ERTMS 2022 Conference
- CLEARSY supplies an ETCS laboratory to the research centre DZSF in Germany.
- CLEARSY realizes the formal proof of the Control – Command – Signalling system of the HPMV project.
- CLEARSY at SIFER (booth 1-218) from October 26 to 28, 2021 in Lille.
- CLEARSY passes a new major milestone: ERSA is joining CLEARSY
- Global Conference on Signalling : the Evolution of ERTMS
- CLEARSY will be present at the conference “1st UIC GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON SIGNALLING – The evolution of ERTMS”
- CLEARSY and Centralp are teaming up for the development of the ETCS DMI.
- Category: Exhibitions/conferences
- CLEARSY at INNOTRANS (Hall 27 – stand 301) from September 24 to 27, 2024 in BERLIN
- Join us at the RSSI Conference in Louisville, USA!
- CLEARSY will participate to Railway Interchange 2023 trade show in Indianapolis next October
- 9ᵉ ABZ International Formal Methods Conference in Nancy from May 31 to June 2, 2023
- Come and meet us at SIFER 2023 in Lille
- RSSRail 2022 conference, Save the date! Paris, June 1-2nd, 2022
- CLEARSY will participate to RSSI trade show in Kansas City next May
- CLEARSY at “ICT for railway”, international workshop, from December 7 to 8, 2021 in Toulouse.
- CLEARSY participates in the conference ISOLA 2021
- CLEARSY will participate to RSSI trade show in Indianapolis next September.
- CLEARSY attends the SmartMetro (November 2019) and CBTC World Congress as a sponsor
- CLEARSY attends the third world congress on formal methods: FM’19 from 7 ou 10 october 2019
- AFADL – GDR GPL: CLEARSY will give a presentation on the integration of third-party tools for automatic proof in Atelier B
- CLEARSY will attend the UITP Global Public Transport Summit 2019 in Stockholm.
- CLEARSY Safety Platform exhibited at conference RSSR 2019
- Third conference RSSR on Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway systems; modelling, analysis, verification and certification
- Hands-on session at IFRN Parnamirim
- CSSP presented at Workshop on Software Development Technology
- CLEARSY Safety Platform presented at Industry Day 2018
- ABZ 2018 – from 5th au 8th June 2018 – Southampton, United Kingdom
- Conference on formal methods – Oxford
- Hands-on session at IFRN Parnamirim
- CLEARSY Safety Platform presented at IFRN Parnamirim
- MASTER 2 course given at UFRN/IMD
- Hands-on session at UFF Niteroi
- Computer Science seminar in Montreal/Canada
- CLEARSY will be present on Smart Metro conference, from October 29th – 31st, 2018 in Paris.
- Technical seminar Newcastle University
- Formal methods for cyber-physical systems – Shonan
- Talk at the conference SBMF 2017
- Tutorial doctoral School ETMF 2017
- Rail+Metro China 2017: Come and meet us!
- Tutorial conference RSSR 2017
- Formal methods in action in the railways
- UITP – Global transport Summit – Montreal from May 15th to 17th, 2017 – Booth 2 B 156
- CLEARSY organizes a technical seminar that will take place at Sherbrooke University, October 20, 2016 (from 10h30 to 12h).
- LCHIP project (Low Cost High Integrity Platform) will ease development of safety critical systems and software up to SIL4, the highest Safety Integrated Level.
- CLEARSY is participating to InnoTrans, the leading international trade fair for transport technology
- International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering
- 19th Brazilian Symposium of Formal Methods
- Reliability, Safety and Security of Railway Systems
- Double-Core SIL4 Architecture Presented During Open Source Innovation Spring (Paris)
- Safety-critical Systems Symposium
- CLEARSY organizes the first annual Meeting of the European H2020 Project INTO-CPS, on the 18th and 19th of November 2015 in Marseille.
- CLEARSY participates to the 5th NEXTSTATION 2015 International Conference on Railway Stations
- CLEARSY participated in the prestigious International Conference on Formal Methods, FM 2015
- Sifer 2015 : Come to see us!
- Thanks for visiting us
- Innotrans 2014 – Come see us!
- AFADL 2014: on june 11th and 12th, 2014
- ABZ 2014 – From june 2d to 6th in Toulouse
- Newcastle University Technical Seminar
- CAI 2013 Conference
- Dagstuhl Seminar 2013
- AI4FM 2011
- APM-ATS 2011
- SIFER 2011
- Nantes 2010 Conference : “From Research to Teaching Formal Methods – the B Method”
- Innotrans Fair 2010
- Teaching of the Formal Methods at the Bourges École nationale supérieure d’ingénieurs (ENSI de Bourges)
- Teaching Formal Methods at the Ecole des Mines of Gardanne in 2010
- UITP Railway fair at Viennes
- SIFER Fair 2009 at Lille
- Lambda Mu16 – The New Challenges of Risk Control
- Negocios Nos Trilhos
- “B Dissemination Day 2008” Seminar in Brazil
- Vector Forum 2008: “Onboard Systems Today and in 20 Years”
- INNOTRANS Fair 2008
- CLEARSY attended the SMBF 2007 Conference in Brazil
- CLEARSY at the SAFECOMP 2007 Conference
- CLEARSY at the SIFER 2007 Fair
- Rodin Industry Day
- Next RODIN conferences
- Neptune’2007 Conference
- B2007 Conference
- RIMEL Project
- Same 2005 Conference
- Collaboration with Labsoc
- Lambda Mu 15 Conference
- AFIS 2006 Conference
- AFADL’06
- Verification of the Coherence of the UML – ENST PA
- SIFER 2017 – Come to see us !
- Swedish fair dedicated to the Rail Transport Sector
- Category: Fire safety
- CLEARSY secures SIEMENS supervision software
- CLEARSY’s supervision gateway is SIL2-certified for the Grand Paris Express
- The new Siemens centralized control room secured by CLEARSY
- Grand Paris Express: CLEARSY will deliver a SIL2-certified fire safety equipment supervision system
- The CLEARSY Fire Safety System (FSS) Supervisor complies with the American FSS standard NFPA 130.
- Paris subway fire safety supervised by CLEARSY
- Self-evacuation and smoke extraction devices for the Marseille L2 ring road (link A7-A50), certified SIL2
- Fire supervision in Paris metro stations
- Category: Metro (CBTC)
- New Lille driverless metro in service
- CLEARSY, a key player in Parisian metro projects
- The joint efforts of SIEMENS Mobility and CLEARSY have resulted in a number of commissionings in 2024!
- CLEARSY continues to roll out its Platform Screen Doors control systems in São Paulo subway
- CLEARSY RS4 safety relays approved by RATP
- Platform doors on PARIS line 13 controlled by CLEARSY’s safety system
- Renewal of the RATP CLEARSY partnership
- CLEARSY meets the needs of operators wishing to install platform screen doors
- The CLEARSY platform screen gate monitoring system for the Honolulu metro is in operation
- CLEARSY’s wayside-only berthing system for Platform Screen Door control and passenger entrapment detection
- The platform screen doors of the line 4 of PARIS is now in operation in security.
- CLEARSY supports the automation of line 4 of the Paris metro with its system for opening and closing platform screen doors.
- New York City Metro: CLEARSY proves the safety of new automation (Culver line project)
- The Budapest Metro inaugurates its new metro line
- The modernization of the oldest Parisian Metro line.
- Category: Microelectronics
- Category: Offers
- CLEARSY’s automatic train stop system is certified to SIL2 safety level
- CLEARSY has participated in the development of a new syringe pump made in France
- DOF system Achieves SIL3 certification for the Cross River Rail project
- CLEARSY joins forces with The Neat Company to integrate the CLEARSY Data Solver validation tool into the Horizon track plan editor!
- CLEARSY is involved in the renovation of Corsican railroad signalling (France)
- CLEARSY to supply the system for controlling platform screen doors for Cross River Rail project
- L’Atelier B Professional Edition 23.02 est disponible
- CLEARSY has installed the new innovative version of its platform screen doors control system in Stockholm
- Category: R&D
- The new reference SIL4 safety system development platform
- Safe, communicating light infrastructure for renewing track on secondary lines
- The French National Cyber Strategy supports CLEARSY on a safe and secure sovereign computer
- The challenge of cybersecurity for safe systems.
- Assigning safe processing to meanings
- CLEARSY joins RoboStar group
- Category: Railway
- New Lausanne T1 tramway interlocking made by CLEARSY
- Major step forward for the modernization of the Paris-Lyon line with the LGV+ project!
- CLEARSY and Alstom Transport: Partners in Railway Innovation
- Safe obstacle detection and safe train location for little-used rail lines
- Safe power management system for the Paris T12 tramway line
- Industrial smart solution for the implementation of safety interlocking logic
- CLEARSY secures the signalling of two maintenance and handover sites in the Paris region.
- The safety-critical data validation tool is certified T2 SIL4.
- Successful track tests for the SIL4 location system developed by CLEARSY.
- Marseille Subway : CLEARSY develops an anti-collision system
- Train stopping aid system: A Lightboard to help you find the perfect stop
- CLEARSY develops the software of a test onboard control system for the Swiss railways
- Marseille Subway – CLEARSY delivers an innovative system to secure the terminus of line 2
- CLEARSY to synchronise Kuala Lumpur metro doors
- Formal methods for validating parameterization data: CLEARSY is chosen
- Certified T2, the CLEARSY DATA SOLVER tool speeds up the data validation process
- CLEARSY carries out the formal validation of data from SNCF Réseau’s MISTRAL NG program.
- Nice tramway : The CLEARSY automatic train stop system limits the emergency braking rate to the minimum required level
- Lightrail signalling of Caen: a 3rd project for CLEARSY and Mobility (VINCI ENERGIES).
- Railway signalling: new products by CLEARSY
- CLEARSY in charge of signaling safety software for lines 2 and 3 of the Nice tramway.
- Internationally, CLEARSY Gains Traction in the Railways Sector
- The new LAM IP KPVA software
- CLEARSY selected again as key supplier by Siemens
- The Preliminary Hazard Analysis
- Risk control and dependability
- The Electrical/Electronic System Reliability
- CLEARSY’s colleagues are recognised as Certifer evaluators
- Does the SIL systems exist?
- The formal methods in the Operational Safety process
- The IEC Standard and its derivatives
- CLEARSY vital relay was creating the buzz during Innotrans
- LCHIP project (Low Cost High Integrity Platform) will ease development of safety critical systems and software up to SIL4, the highest Safety Integrated Level.
- ProB: a model-checker for data validation
- Data validation in the Railways
- Introduction to data validation
- Line 1, a new revolution in Paris
- Rhônexpress: Test of Automatic Train Stop KFS (DAAT SIL2)
- New York City Metro : Automatisation of Flushing and Culver Lines
- Category: Safety
- Category: Tools
- Category: Uncategorized
- Formal Proof Process for the Safety of a Signaling System
- SAFETY RELAY – VITAL RELAY RS4: Traction control command
- SAFETY RELAY – VITAL RELAY RS4: Automatic landing door control systems
- SAFETY RELAY – VITAL RELAY RS4: Level crossing
- SAFETY RELAY – VITAL RELAY RS4: Signaling applications
- Safe power management system for the Paris T12 tramway line
- CLEARSY supplies the platform screen gate monitoring system for the Honolulu metro
- Luxembourg, 2021: the GARE station is ready for the tramway's arrival
- INFRABEL equipped with the new CLEARSY automated driving simulator
- Opsimu, CLEARSY's new train driving simulator, more ergonomic with its 3D visualisation
- Fire safety system supervision deployed in PARIS and Grand Paris metros
- platform screen doors control: Coppilot Paris
- platform screen doors control: Coppilot São Paulo
- KVB, beacon for speed control system
- Overspeed detection system for Santiago Metro
- REGIOLIS commuter train: two on-board systems developed by CLEARSY
- Automatic stopping system project for the Rouen tramway
- System level formal (proof based) verification for the cbtc of New York’s line 7 (flushing)
- Zone management system to reduce the train speed
- Test bench implemented on Siemens automaton
- Control of coherence between code and specifications
- Qualification consulting for MF2000
- Stand-alone DSP board with ADC/DAC converter & RS485
- Assistance in the analysis and the validation of the Octys critical software
- Formal verification of RATP interlocking systems
- Analysis of the safety critical software of the PARIS CBTC line 1
- Rapid recharging tramway system (SRRT)
- Development/Re-engineering of the safety part of the ground and on-board software of a CBTC
- Safety critical software developpement of the CBTC URBALIS Evolution
- Val de Roissy
- Vital Embedded Settings Generator (VESG)
- Electric vehicle traction drive project
- Car diagnosis
- Vehicle diagnostic
- Onboard software safety study: automobile parking brake
- Vérification automatisée de câblage d’armoires
- Embeded Audio announcement system (SAS)
- Test system to control PARIS platform screen doors
- System to control platform screen doors (PARIS line 13)
- Opening and closing control of platform screen doors on line 1 of the parisian metro
- KPVA maintenance support software (LIAM IP KPVA)
- SIL4 Train interface device for ANSALDO
- B METHOD for the construction of a MICROKERNEL
- Modular assault bridge (SPRAT)
- Formal verification of the interoperability of autonomous systems (OISAU)
- Event-b for the synthesizable VHDL
- DEPLOY R&D project
- Operational Simulator in motion based simulator (DB)
- Training Simulator
- Customised Operational Simulator (SRO)
- Simulators with third-party 3D solution providers
- Real project replication
- Exhibitions/conferences
- Safety displays
- Automatic Train Stop (ATS)/automatic train braking systems
- Operational safety
- Research and development
- Electronic
- B method
- Range of SIL4 safety critical relay (vital)
- Energy/nuclear
- Automotive
- Platform screen doors control systems
- Accessibility and passengers protection
- Formal approach for critical systems
- Defense
- CLEARSY Safety Controller (SIL4 controller)
- Network of safe data communication modules (SIL4 inputs)
- CLEARSY Safety Platform's Starter kit for industry
- Baseline 3 ETCS DMI and Programable generic SIL2 platform
- fall protection device
- RS4.DIN.304.24V SIL4 safety relay
- RS4.DIN.202.24V SIL4 safety relay
- RS4.DIN.402.24V SIL4 safety relay
- RS4.DIN.202.110V SIL4 safety relay
- RS4.DIN.406.24V SIL4 safety relay
- RS4.3U.2x202.24V SIL4 safety relay
- Train overspeed control system (KPVA)
- CLEARSY Safety Plateform for academic use
- Lasers
- Track Plan Editor
- Highlighter
- Measuring station & braking bench
- Electronic expertise
- Software expertise
- Compliance of industrial systems
- Cybersecurity
- Formal analysis and validation of software
- fail-safe remote i/o (SATURN) SIL2-SIL4
- Custom made safety critical systems development
- Safety critical systems & software
- System to control platform screen doors (COPPILOT) SIL3-SIL4
- System to control platform screen doors (DOF) SIL3-SIL4
- Train passage detection system (DNH)
- Opening and closing gap filer authorization system (GAPS) SIL2
- System to detect a person in a gap SIL3 (DIL)
- Gap filler control system (CACOLAC)
- ERTMS/ETCS services
- ETCS Driver Machine Interface software - SIL2
- Formal data validation
- Safety services
- Signal Crossing Prevention System (Automatic Train Stop, ATS): KFS SIL2 system
- ERTMS/ETCS Operational Simulator
- ERTMS RBC/IXL Test Bench
- ERTMS/ETCS Traffic Simulator
- ETCS Track Editor
- Evaluation and analysis tools
- External 3D visualisation applications
- maintenance support, supervision
- Formal system validation
- Atelier B
- Data/events logger and analyzer tool (DAME)
- CLEARSY Data Solver
- Automated testing platform : TestRunner
- SIL4 vital computer : CLEARSY Safety Platform