BPI France has selected the project LCHIP (Low Cost High Integrity Platform) under the framework FUI 21.

  • DURATION : 42 months

The LCHIP project aims to greatly facilitate the development of safe, high-criticality applications by providing :

  • a complete development environment to generate and prove mathematically and automatically bounded algorithmic software,
  • a secure and low-cost platform for the execution of these applications, in order to guarantee a maximum level of safety.

The ability to automatically generate and prove software is the focus of the project.

Seamless integration with business languages (DSLs) and third-party code production chains allow for painless deployment in existing development processes and promote the exploitation of the technology outside the consortium.

The LCHIP project brings together scientific results obtained over the last 20 years and feedback from the use of formal methods for building safe systems, while achieving a significant breakthrough in software engineering.

The LCHIP technology will improve the security of citizens by democratizing the use of secure, high-criticality applications whose deployment is limited for economic reasons.

The results will be exploited through :

  • the development of safe systems, in the railway field and internationally
  • the commercialization of the platform and associated services
  • the patenting of the LCHIP technology.
Linked to this research and development

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