CLEARSY performs expert assessments of software developed specifically for the nuclear industry using a wide variety of methods and tools.
Analysis of 1E code under Frama-C environment Analyses of critical software controlling the reactivity (RPN, RGL, RCSL) Configuration of the environment, stubbing of interfaces, elimination of false positives Customer: EDF |
Static analysis of 1E code under Polyspace Analysis of CO3 C1 RPN and RPR software Customer: EDF |
Audit of the Diesel Ultimate Service (DUS) software M340 PLC software representing 22 modules and 900 I/OS. Audit according to IEC61513 and 62138 (C3) of development and test tooling. Customer: Schneider Electric |
Robustness study of a supervision system for Study aiming at a C3 qualification of the life cycle of Customer: Teledyne |
Critical review of embedded code Torpedo launching equipment for combat ships Analysis of the implementation of safety requirements Customer: Naval Group |
Formal code modelling for verification of properties Implementation of formal method B Verification of 1E software modules for Modelling of software functions and verification of correct implementation with respect to the specification Customer: Framatome |
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