Teaching Formal Methods at the Ecole des Mines of Gardanne in 2010 Exhibitions/conferences

CLEARSY will teach formal methods at the Ecole des Mines of Gardanne during the month of January 2010. These 18 […]

UITP railway fair 2009 in Viennes
UITP Railway fair at Viennes Exhibitions/conferences, Railway

CLEARSY will be participating in the UITP fair that will take place in Viennes from the 7th to the 11th […]

SIFER Fair 2009 at Lille Exhibitions/conferences, Railway

CLEARSY has the pleasure of announcing its participation to the SIFER railway fair 2009, that will take place in Lille […]

Lambda Mu16 – The New Challenges of Risk Control Exhibitions/conferences

Two years after the Lambda Mu 15, the Institute for risk control (LMdR) has organized the sixteenth edition of its […]

Negocios Nos Trilhos Exhibitions/conferences, Railway

“Negocios Nos Trilhos” Fair 2007 CLEARSY will be participating this year to the new edition of the brazilian railway fair […]

“B Dissemination Day 2008” Seminar in Brazil Exhibitions/conferences

This year, AeS and CLEARSY are organizing a day dedicated to the B Method, which will take place in Brazil […]

Vector Forum 2008: “Onboard Systems Today and in 20 Years” Exhibitions/conferences

CLEARSY will participate in the Forum organized by Vector France to be held on June 24, 2007 in the Congress […]

CLEARSY at INNOTRANS fair, Berlin 2008
INNOTRANS Fair 2008 Exhibitions/conferences, Railway

CLEARSY participated in the INNOTRANS Fair to take place from September 23 to 26, 2008 in Berlin. In the context […]