CLEARSY Safety Platform’s Starter kit for industry is ready Aeronautics, Automotive, Component, Defense, Energy/nuclear, Railway, Safety

The CLEARSY Safety Platform is now available as a starter kit, which allows to get to know the technology and […]

CLEARSY realizes the formal proof of the Control – Command – Signalling system of the HPMV project. ERTMS, Railway, Safety

CLEARSY realizes the formal proof of the Control – Command – Signalling system of the HPMV project: the new Hybrid […]

CLEARSY secures the signalling of two maintenance and handover sites in the Paris region. Railway, Safety

CLEARSY secures the signalling of two maintenance and handover sites (SMR) in the Paris region for Mobility and prepares the […]

The CLEARSY Fire Safety System (FSS) Supervisor complies with the American FSS standard NFPA 130. Fire safety, Safety, Tools

A standard analysis was performed to determine if the CLEARSY fire safety system (FSS) supervisor could be used in countries […]

The challenge of cybersecurity for safe systems. R&D, Safety

The LabSoC laboratory at Telecom Paris school and CLEARSY are joining forces for two years to integrate cybersecurity threat management […]

Assigning safe processing to meanings R&D, Safety, Tools

CLEARSY has developed and certified the CLEARSY SAFETY PLATFORM (CSP), a solution to develop safety critical real-time embedded systems certified […]

CLEARSY participates in the conference ISOLA 2021 Exhibitions/conferences, Railway, Safety

For the 10th International Symposium On Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation (ISOLA 2021), CLEARSY is going to […]

The safety-critical data validation tool is certified T2 SIL4. Railway, Safety

The CLEARSY safety-critical data validation tool is now certified T2 for SIL4 level in accordance to the EN 50128:2011 standard, […]