Domaines : Railway

The ERTMS/ETCS Operational Simulator is a real time simulation demonstrating how trains can be run on tracks under ERTMS/ETCS supervision. […]

CLEARSY provides various tools and test benches to validate ERTMS/ETCS components. The ERTMS/ETCS RBC Test Bench is a complete simulation […]

The ERTMS/ETCS Traffic Simulator is a real time system including: multiple train simulation; interlocking simulation; route map; RBC simulation; traffic […]

This tool enables the creation and modification of a track, and its storage in a MySQL database. The produced track […]

This set of tools enables the analysis and display of the data logged by other CLEARY products (Operational Simulator, Traffic […]

One of the extensions of the Operational Simulator is the connection to a 3D track visualisation application. Visualisation and 3D […]

CLEARSY provides various tools and test benches to validate ERTMS/ETCS components. The ERTMS/ETCS OBU Test Bench is a complete OBU […]

Our high performance data/events logger and analyzer product called DAME which is a software middleware especially designed.