CLEARSY in charge of the Signalling and Command Report for the RATP
The SYMPHONIE SSI project aims to provide the RATP with a centralized fire safety monitoring system for its metropolitan network.
Within the framework of this project, CLEARSY has been entrusted with the responsibility for the development, certification and deployment of the RSC system (Report de Signalisation et de Commandes), a supervisory tool necessary for the management of secure signals and commands.
The RSC is the backbone of the project to centralize the monitoring of fire safety in RATP stations. Indeed, connected to the fire safety systems installed in the metro stations, it provides real-time feedback on their status and allows operators to act remotely on the safety devices located in the station (fans, alarms, etc.), in a secure manner from a centralized control station.
CLEARSY develops the software and provides the hardware for the implementation of this new information system. The solution proposed by CLEARSY provides for interfacing with several different fire safety systems. “Our solution is based on the use of off-the-shelf computers on which we have developed our own safety protocol,” explains Jean-Philippe Pitzalis, Managing Director at CLEARSY. The project also includes the development of a user interface adapted to the constraints of the operation. “Our system guarantees the reliability of the information collected and the correct execution of orders. It is not based on a commercial SCADA system but on specific software developments (in C++, Qt) to best meet functional and security requirements,” continues Jean-Philippe Pitzalis.
As a specialist in the development of certified turnkey security systems and software, CLEARSY is regularly called upon by the RATP. For example, the landing door control systems installed on line 13 and the security system for landing doors in curved stations on line 1 bear its signature.
The contract, which also includes the installation and commissioning of a new centralised control system and data acquisition interfaces in the metro stations, runs until 2022, with the first commissioning scheduled for 2019. The system will have to obtain a SIL2 certificate in accordance with standard 61508 as well as the approval of the CNPP, one of the bodies responsible for approving fire safety systems in France. Designed to monitor all metro stations, it will initially equip at least 40 stations. CLEARSY is in charge of the studies and the certification files.