The ERTMS/ETCS Operational Simulator is a real time simulation demonstrating how trains can be run on tracks under ERTMS/ETCS supervision. Based on predefined scenarios defining all the events that have to occur (mainly ETCS messages), the operator drives the simulated train with an interactive train movement control.
ERTMS/ETCS Operational Simulator
A single PC includes all the functions. The screen shows the ETCS Driver Machine Interface and information to simulate the train driving. Another PC can be added to display a very realistic view as seen by the driver (see also 3D Tools Suite).
This tool can be used for training, demonstration and test of the system, but also research. It can be used to assist the development of railway operational rules, to investigate issues about deployment of ERTMS and to assess supervision curves.
User interface
The main PC displays the ETCS DMI, a simplified train desk and a lateral view of the track and runs the full simulation (EVC, trackside, train), while an optional PC handles the 3D representation of the track.
The operator can use the mouse to control the train movement. A keyboard, a joystick or an external desk can also be connected to allow operator inputs.
ERTMS/ETCS simulation system
The ERTMS/ETCS simulation system includes:
- a set of offline tools allowing the preparation of track and scenario data;
- a train dynamics module which calculates the train movement depending on train and track parameters; it takes also into account external interventions from the EVC, and operator driving instructions entered via joystick, keyboard or external desk;
- an EVC simulator fully compliant with Baseline 2 (SRS 2.3.0D) or Baseline 3 (SRS 3.3.0, 3.4.0 and 3.6.0), equipped with interfaces to the driver, the train and odometry, and also to the trackside part of ERTMS (balise, loop and radio messages);
- an ERTMS/ETCS DMI module which is a cab-display compliant with the ERA specifications, allowing the operator to see and enter the appropriate information;
- a trackside simulator capable to transmit all packets and telegrams included in Baseline 2 and/or Baseline 3.
The Operational Simulator can be used for many purposes, and one of them is training. Several features are very useful in that case:
- Pause/resume: it is possible to pause temporarily the simulation for explanation purposes, and then to resume it;
- Replay: at the end of a test run it is possible to save a replay of the current run in order to replay it automatically later without driver intervention;
- Context saving: at each moment of the test run it is possible to take a snapshot of the current context in order to start later a test run from this saved context.
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