After more than a decade of collaboration in research and development, CLEARSY and UFRN have signed a cooperation agreement to enable international internships in the field of Formal Methods.
This collaboration is marked by projects that have resulted in numerous academic papers. UFRN, with its research hub in Formal Methods and the integration of this subject at the undergraduate level, perfectly complements CLEARSY’s expertise, which boasts 30 years of experience in the industrial application of this knowledge.
This agreement is the result of discussions led by Thierry Lecomte (CLEARSY) and Marcel Oliveira (UFRN), with close follow-up by Dalay Almeida, research engineer at CLEARSY, and Márcia Lucena, coordinator of the software engineering program.
The agreement, valid for five years, was officially published in the university’s service bulletin, available at the following address: https://boletim.ufrn.br/publico/boletim?id=UUQWOfitkS1iZXPnirETDw%3D%3D&focus=conteudo-principal