The DIGISAFE technology and its communication protocol on Siemens automaton
DIGISAFE is a technology developed by Siemens that is based on the encoding of secure information, established on a target comprising a “coded monoprocessor“.
DIGISAFE, combined with the used of the formal B method, guarantees a level of confidence which enables SIL4 systems to be developed and integrates SIL4 security software.
DIGISAFE includes a secure communication protocol, which relies on the encoding of information. Within the context of the development of a service that manages the opening and closing of the Platform Screens, CLEARSY has integrated this protocol on a Siemens security automaton from the Simatic range.
This integration has enabled a secure communication gateway to be developed between the CBTC system and the platform screens in operation on line 9 of the entirely automatic Barcelona underground rail system in Spain.
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