The KPVA beacons allow the punctual speed control of a train. Based on radar technology, the beacon installed on the track, compares the measured speed train to a reference speed that should not be exceeded. If there is overspeed, this information is communicated to the train via the RPS system which causes emergency braking of the train.
Due to the large number of installed KPVA (greater than 300), and access problems on field (automatic line, intervention on tracks during daytime …), the RATP wanted a maintenance support software for these equipment in IP protocol.
Moreover, these beacons being part of a safety chain, regular maintenance is necessary to guarantee operation and safety level.
Our actions
CLEARSY developed the maintenance support software, which should be compatible with all versions of installed beacons.
The LAM IP KPVA software allows:
- Remote connection the beacons;
- Centralizing data on a server;
- Automatic control of the beacons state;
- Remote beacons programming;
- Remote beacons restarting;
- The archiving of maintenance operations (preventive and corrective);
- Viewing the data in real time (for example, the speed of trains passing over the sensor).
Preventive maintenance is thus done remotely, reducing the costs associated with travel and mobilization of field agents. The management of KPVA park is also facilitated by the centralization of information on a dedicated server.
CLEARSY Contributions
Through software tools such as DAME (Maintenance and Operations Device) and “turnkey” systems developed for the railway sector, CLEARSY has a solid experience of the problems of storage and maintenance data management, as well as the production of tools suitable for use in the field.
This sum of experience has allowed CLEARSY to develop an ergonomic product, fast and user friendly compared to the existing one.
LAM IP KPVA in figures
The software manages the six existing KPVA beacon versions and is installed on the RATP network, which represents more than three hundred equipment.
Every five seconds, it tests operation of the beacon with which it communicates. If the beacon does not respond, the information is reported to the maintenance teams via the server.
Its deployment can reduce the cost of preventive maintenance. Each beacon must be checked every 3 months. This involved moving a team of 2 people on the field. Now the preventive control is performed automatically and detects early if corrective action is required.
The software also allows full remote diagnosis and thus to specify the nature of the intervention: restart, replacement…
The KPVA system is part of the range of products distributed by CLEARSY. It is associated with the sensor (RPS compatible) and KFS controller installed on the train. The KFS beacon is connected to the signal to be monitored. When the train crosses the red signal, the beacon communicates this information to the train so that an emergency stop is performed.
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