
Contrôle d’ouverture et de fermeture des façades de quai de la ligne 1 du métro Parisien
Opening and closing control of platform screen doors on line 1 of the parisian metro

In the context of the “Paris Subway Line 1 Automation” project, the SIL3 DOF1 safety system, which is independent from […]

Système de Contrôle Ponctuel de Vitesse Autonome (KPVA)
KPVA maintenance support software (LIAM IP KPVA)

The KPVA beacons allow the punctual speed control of a train. Based on radar technology, the beacon installed on the […]

Carte d’interface train SIL4
SIL4 Train interface device for ANSALDO

Boosted by its recognised expertise in the domain of electronic railway safety, through, among other things, its developments in onboard […]

B METHOD for the construction of a MICROKERNEL

The B METHOD for the construction of MICROKERNEL – Based Systems : Sarah Hoffmann, Germain Haugou – STMicroeletronics Sophie Gabriele […]

Pont d’assaut modulaire (SPRAT)
Modular assault bridge (SPRAT)

The originality of the system comes from the fact the length of the bridge is modulated based on the length […]

Direction générale de l'Armement
Formal verification of the interoperability of autonomous systems (OISAU)

The DGA (French Government Defence procurement and technology agency ) is the project manager of a study, which will define the […]

Event-b for the synthesizable VHDL

Forcoment project: Event-b for the synthesizable VHDL

DEPLOY R&D project

Industrial deployment of system engineering methods providing high dependability and productivity.

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