Research & Development
CLEARSY invests significantly in R&D in the field of safety engineering, to develop new tools and validate new modelling techniques.
CLEARSY carries out numerous research and development activities in partnership with industrialists.
CLEARSY carries out numerous research and development activities in partnership with industrialists, which enable it to provide its clients with innovations in terms of safety tools and system engineering methods. As such, CLEARSY participates in a number of networks of excellence and safety engineering projects funded by France and the European Union.
In addition, CLEARSY is an active member of the French Systems Engineering Association, the Formal Method Europe network and the Institute for Risk Management and Dependability.
• Joint use of B and UML
• Developement of proven VHDL models
• Development of code generator for smartcard
• Methodological approach to decision engineering
• Use of the B method, for the specification and the proof of systems.

Our R&D projects

The CASES project was selected in the first call for projects “Development of critical innovative technologies” – launched by BPI […]
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ANR has selected the project ICSPA (Interoperable and Confident Set-based Proof Assistants) under the framework "appel à projets générique 2020".
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ANR has selected the project BLaSST (Enhancing B Language Reasoners with SAT and SMT Techniques) under the framework "appel à projets générique 2020".
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ECSEL JU has selected the project AIDOaRt (AI-augmented automation supporting modelling, coding, testing, monitoring and continuous development in Cyber-Physical Systems) under the framework H2020.
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ANR has selected the project DISCONT (Correct Integration of DIScrete and CONTinous models) under the framework "appel à projets générique 2017".
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BPI France has selected the project LCHIP (Low Cost High Integrity Platform) under the framework FUI 21.
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ECSEL JU has selected the MegaMart (A scalable model-based framework for continuous development and runtime validation of complex systems) project under the H2020 programme.
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ECSEL JU has selected the AQUAS (Aggregated Quality Assurance for Systems) project under the H2020 programme.
Formal methods