The LCHIP collaborative project led by CLEARSY aims to produce a calculation platform able to automate the development of low-cost SIL4-level security systems. The first starter kit of the fгегку CLEARSY Safety Platform is currently subject to an international promotional tour.
One year after R & D foundation, the LCHIP project [1] has produced a starter kit consisting of a dual processor card with 3 inputs and 2 digital outputs (TOR), and an IDE (programming interface) for Windows. This first demonstrator gives a precise expectancy of what will be CLEARSY Safety Platform: a kit of development of security systems with SIL4 level. It will consist of security calculation part, corresponding security folder, associated programming tools and an interface with work interface to be added. Its innovative architecture provides functional safety services and is based on a formal software development chain.
This starter kit is currently the subject of an international promotional tour initiated with the 2nd edition of the international RSSR conference (Pistoia / Italy), dedicated to the safety, security and reliability of railway systems. The target audience is formed by the future prescribers or users of CLEARSY Safety Platform. In Brazil, Recife (ETMF 2017), then Natal (federal universities UFRN and IFRN) hosted meetings CLEARSY met researchers and students working at formal methods and embedded computing. The LCHIP project manager and specialist in formal methods Thierry Lecomte was the initiator of these meetings: “CLEARSY Safety Platform technology will improve the safety of citizens by democratizing the use of safe applications with a high level of criticality. It is an example of a concrete application of formal methods, in which CLEARSY excels. This point was heard loud and clear by the mathematicians that we have met. As for embedded systems engineers, they need to be insured to be able to use an environmental development environment based on mathematical language.”
To date, the starter kit of the forthcoming CLEARSY Safety Platform has been presented to more than 800 people. In order to make further progress, CLEARSY produces such tools as a teaching kit to satisfy university training needs and companies with a MOOC on formal methods. A new version of the demonstrator, capable of handling industrial applications, is scheduled to be delivered at the end of 2018. Its presentation is already planned for next November, in Brazil (Salvador de Bahia), a country with an active formal methods community. Meanwhile, Thierry Lecomte will visit England (Newcastle), Denmark (Technical University of Denmark), and Montreal.
[1] Low Cost High Integrity Platform (LCHIP) is a project initiated and managed by CLEARSY. It is co-financed by Banque Publique d’Investissement, Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Métropole Aix-Marseille.