CLEARSY invites you to the WEBINAR: How to guarantee the safety of a multi-supplier signaling system?
Tuesday, December 12th 2023 @ 5:00PM CET
Registration link: https://my.demio.com/ref/KES45iCPPYIH6Yeu
Does SIL4 + SIL4 = SIL4? This is the question addressed in this webinar.
The formalization of safety reasoning is an activity that perfectly meets the need to guarantee the safety of a signaling system made up of several separately qualified subsystems, particularly in a multi-vendor context. What could be better than mathematical rigor to establish the absence of safety issue in a complex system?
CLEARSY will present its current work and references in this field on large-scale projects. The method will be illustrated on a technical example at the interface between wayside equipment (ZC or RBC) and traditional Interlocking (IXL).
The webinar consists of a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.
This webinar is aimed primarily at railway operators, certification bodies and signalling system suppliers. It does not require any special skills to follow.